Cybersecurity solutions for Business
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Cybersecurity for businesses

Effective protection of the network and key company data


Cybersecurity services offered by Netia

netia cloud firewall

Netia Cloud Firewall

Comprehensive protection for internet connection 

Ensure protection of your company's Internet traffic with Netia Cloud Firewall, allowing your employees to  use the network without worrying about cyber threats. 

netia soc

Security Opertions Center (SOC)

ICT security of your company around the clock

A qualified team of specialists providing full service - from the 1st line of incident reporting, through the maintenance of security solutions, such as SIEM systems, vulnerability scanning, to support in limiting the effects and analyzing security incidents.


Netia Incident Monitoring

Non-stop IT security monitoring

An IT security service that includes a 24/7 security monitoring system that automatically triggers (email) about identified events within the network infrastructure accessed by Fortinet.

ddos protection

Netia DDoS Protection

Your (web)applications always available to customers

A service that protects the infrastructure and key business applications against DDoS attacks, in order to ensure continuity of their operation, even during the largest volumetric attacks.

netia ochrona poczty

Electronic mail security

Safe e-mail in your company

Comprehensive end-user email security that actively filters and blocks dangerous emails. Among other things, the solution protects against spam and ransomware disk encryption software.

netia data protection

Protect your company's data

Data security under control

An advanced backup as a service solution for creating and managing backups of business data. Thanks to it, in an emergency situation of data loss or damage, you will effectively recover company's resources.

netia testy podatności

Netia Testy Podatności

Detecting an organization's vulnerability to cyberattacks

A comprehensive network scanning service that checks your organization's security level. Allows you to quickly and easily detect vulnerabilities of ICT infrastructure to cyberattacks, and then eliminate security gaps.

netia dns shield

Netia DNS Shield

Effective business protection against cyberattacks

The service allows you to increase the security of the corporate network by analyzing users' DNS queries and blocking access to domains considered dangerous. No infrastructure investment required. NEM enforces updates, detects and removes threats and also manages access to business data and applications on devices regardless of their operating system.

netia managed utm

Netia Managed UTM

Comprehensive protection against cyber threats

Multi-layer protection of LAN resources and business users against Internet threats, implemented by a managed and monitored UTM (Unified Threat Management) class security device.


Netia Phishing-On-Demand

Controlled phishing attack for defense

A modern educational and training tool that simulates real hacking techniques that put the security of the company and its associates at risk. Tests of an organization's resistance to phishing are carried out e.g. using e-mail or SMS communication.

Cybersecurity - everything under control
Protecting company data is a major challenge for entrepreneurs today. A wide range of available cybersecurity services will help you adjust  protection to the individual needs of your company. CSIRT team, constant monitoring of network events and quick response to detected threats. With Netia's solutions, you will gain effective protection of your company's resources and network infrastructure while optimizing costs and minimizing the involvement of your employees. 

Get to know our cybersecurity services and increase the protection of your company with them.

We are trusted by

Courtyard by Marriott
Mercedes-Benz - Grupa Wróbel
Come and talk to us!
or call us at
+48 22 715 02 00
Netia CyberSec in numbers
43% of victims of the attack are so-called small business
34% of all data leaks were caused by internal users
on average, a new malware sample is created every 4 seconds
50 days is the average cost during a malware attack
22% of business folders were available to every employee
less than 10% of administrators can clearly identify where company data is located
72% of employees have accidentally sent an email with an attachment to the wrong person
33% of employees admit that they have misplaced or lost a USB drive or computer with company data
Come and talk to us!
or call us at
+48 22 715 02 00

Cybersecurity for companies – services 

Technological progress, despite its many benefits, also has its dark side. Access to increasingly modern IT tools provides companies with unprecedented opportunities for business development and quick response to market changes. However, the more they invest in digital tools, the more attention they should pay to ICT security. Its elements, such as protection of personal data in the company, protection against leaks of confidential information or malware infections, are basically dealt with by people at every level of the company's operation - from reception staff to board members. 


It is worth knowing, contrary to appearances, you do not need large investments to effectively protect company resources against constantly evolving threats. It is enough to use Netia's tools available in the Security as a Service (SaaS) model. As part of this type of service, our experts help clients identify incidents that threaten cybersecurity, as well as protect company systems and other elements of the organization's ICT infrastructure against them.


ICT Security


Netia provides a range of cybersecurity solutions that significantly increase the level of data security in the company. 

Data loss, whether due to the activities of cybercriminals or as a result of theft or damage to equipment, can seriously disrupt the work of any organization. Frequent and methodical backups protect against the unpleasant consequences of such an event. Unfortunately, many companies still do not have the appropriate procedures and technical capabilities to handle data in this way, vital to their operations.

Netia Data Protection allows you to solve this problem. It is a so-called "backup as a service", whereby Netia's Data Center automatically backs up the data indicated by the customer. He can use these copies at any time to restore the functionality of applications, file systems or even data contained on individual employees' computers. The offered service allows you to effectively protect company resources, e.g. against ransomware attacks, ensuring immediate recovery of lost data and maintaining business continuity of work. 

Netia's Security Operations Center constantly monitors the security status of its clients' ICT infrastructure and responds to detected incidents on an ongoing basis. In addition, the center conducts computer forensics activities and performs customer-side security tests, including penetration testing and simulated phishing attacks.

Customers who want to take greater care of the security of their internal network can also take advantage of the Netia Managed UTM solution, which provides multi-level protection against threats. The solution is based on a device installed at the interface of the customer's LAN and the Internet, which integrates advanced firewalls, various types of filtering mechanisms, anti-virus software, and thus allows to protect the confidentiality of company data. By managing the UTM-class device, Netia's specialists can monitor the client's network security on an ongoing basis, combat threats and provide round-the-clock support. Thus, the client does not have to create an internal team of cybersecurity specialists and worry about what to do in case of a threat.


Protection of personal data in the company


Personal data of employees, customers or contractors of the company are a frequent target of criminal attacks. They try to extort them in many ways - from phishing attacks, through malware infections and exploiting the carelessness of employees, to the use of vulnerabilities in corporate databases.

The protection of personal data is a particularly sensitive topic due to the serious consequences in the event of a data leak. A company where this happens must take into account the risk of losing reputation and customer trust. Moreover, violation of the provisions of the GDPR and demonstrating negligence in their scope may result in very high penalties, potentially reaching up to EUR 20 million or 4% of the company's total annual turnover. 




Cybersecurity - examples of services


One of the most common and intrusive types of cyberattacks are the so-called DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. They consist in bombarding corporate servers with hundreds of thousands of queries, usually directed by so-called botnet, i.e. a group of devices infected with malware and controlled by criminals. There are several types of DDoS attacks, including volumetric attacks, application level attacks, or mixed attacks. Their result is always similar. A rapid increase in the number of requests can overload the server, leading to a serious slowdown or complete stoppage of the web application, or it saturates the entire bandwidth of the Internet connection. This results in the unavailability of services, mostly used by individual customers. Thus, self-care or e-commerce applications, websites, transactional systems or e-mail, which are crucial for the functioning of the business, may suddenly stop working.

The Netia DDoS Protection service, which is a service that strengthens the cyber security of companies on the network, enables constant monitoring of network traffic, looking for patterns in it that indicate attempts to carry out an attack. If a threat is detected, the system can redirect suspicious network traffic to the DDoS Attack Prevention Center of the Netia network. Its task is to filter out artificially generated data packets and re-send only the desired, legitimate data to the client's network. For example, one of Netia's clients has been protected in this way from over 2.5 thousand over the last 3 years. attacks. The record-breaking attack successfully repelled by our system had a strength of 162 Gbps.

Another method of attacking company systems that is particularly eagerly used by attackers is the so-called phishing attacks. They consist in sending fake messages to users, which are aimed at unknowingly persuading them to share their data (e.g. logins and passwords or personal data), or to launch an attachment with malicious software. The result of such an attack may be data leakage, identity theft or infection of company systems with malware, including ransomware, which paralyzes the organization's work.

Data protection in the company against similar attacks is also possible thanks to the use of e-mail protection tools. As part of the Netia Mail Protection service, e-mails reaching the protected accounts are actively analyzed and filtered. The dangerous ones, caught by anti-malware, anti-virus, anti-spam or anti-phishing tools, are blocked or quarantined. This eliminates the risk of a dangerous e-mail reaching an employee. The system can be enriched with a data leakage protection module (DLP - Data Leakage Protection), allowing for even better protection of personal data in the company.

Netia's specialists will help you choose the most appropriate services to ensure maximum cyber security for each company, taking into account its needs and capabilities. We offer full support at every stage of the project - from the selection of solutions, through their configuration and installation, to ongoing support in the use of various cyber security services.

We invite you to contact us.

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